Poland’s Wrocław has turned in a stellar performance in fDi’s Return on Investment study.
Latest articles from Poland

Mayor outlines Warsaw's winning formula
Warsaw offers a skilled workforce and has improved its infrastructure – now it must focus on climate change, mayor Rafał Trzaskowski tells fDi.

Whirlpool Poland president has high hopes for 'new Germany'
The president of Whirlpool Poland accepts that the country has challenges to overcome, but believes that it can become 'the new locomotive of the EU'.

Frankfurt (Oder): the small city thinking big
Frankfurt (Oder) is using its industrial strength as part of ambitions to become a logistics hub.

Frankfurt (Oder) looks to attract and retain top talent
Frankfurt (Oder)'s university is fostering the development of successful start-ups, with a focus on sustainability.

Opole deputy mayor hails city’s expansion
Maciej Wujec talks about the numerous opportunities resulting from of the city’s rapid growth.

Krakow mayor looks to maintain employment momentum
Krakow's mayor tells fDi he is keen to attract companies in hi-tech and outsourcing industries that can offer jobs to the city’s burgeoning graduate population.

Poznań's mayor seeks party vibe to pull in young talent
The mayor of Poznań is keen to attract young people to the city.

Gorzów mayor hails investment boom
Jacek Wójcicki, mayor of Gorzów, talks about the Polish city’s industrial and logistics prowess.

Why did Poland's FDI drop in 2018?
Adam Woźniak, of Polish business news daily Rzeczpospolita, reports on why the country's FDI levels dipped in 2018 after years of impressive growth.
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